When you buy from a small business an actual person does a little happy dance.

About the Artist
I've worked in the jewelry industry for nearly 20 years. I have a BFA in Metalsmithing and Jewelry Design from the Art Institute of Chicago and I am a certified Gemologist with the Gemological Institute of America. I formed HRS Designs in 2004 and it has been a wonderful and crazy journey which I am continually thankful for. I live in Madison, Wisconsin with my husband and three children.

My Studio
My lovely shared studio space is located inside a historic arched rooftop building in Paoli, Wisconsin. In the front half of the building is a gallery, Paoli Road Mercantile, owned by Julie Walser. Julie is a talented jeweler and my studio mate in the metalsmithing studio in the back half of the building. I LOVE having my studio in this little town! Not to mention, it’s wonderful to have a creative space outside of my home.
Our hope is that this space will not only be for OUR creative adventures, but also to teach OTHERS about the amazing things metal can do! We are always striving to learn from one another as well as other talented artists. In the future, we hope to create a community that shares a love for metalsmithing.
Wait…did I just say something about teaching classes?? Yes, I did! We have the benches and tools ready for you, but we are still getting all the other details together. Don’t worry, when we are ready to offer classes, I will let you know!